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Workout of the Day

Part I: 7 min AMRAP

8 double kettlebell swings

4 burpees over kettlebell

8 double kettlebell SH2Oh

4 burpees over kettlebell

=5 min Rest=

Part II: 7 min AMRAP

6 toes to bar

12 box jump over

6 pull ups

12/10 cal Row

=5 min Rest=

Part III: everyone is doing at the same time

Little Arm PUMP

4 min AMRAP

12 empty bar biceps curls

12 banded triceps extension

12 banded lat flys


Workout of the Day

60/45 cal row

100 burpees

50 Lunges

25 toes to bar

150 double under

25 alt. dumbbell snatches 

50 Air squats

100 burpees

60/45 cal row


Workout of the Day

Workout I: AMRAP 10 min

12 KB push press right arm

20 double under

12 KB push press left arm

20 double under

24 Russian kettlebell swings

20 double under

5 min rest

Workout II: AMRAP 10 min

12 kettlebell push press right arm

20 double under

12 kettlebell push press left arm

20 double under

24 kettlebell push press

20 double under


Workout of the Day 

E2MOM for 8 rounds and alternate between I and II:

I: 12/10 cal Bike

10-15 weighted butterfly situps

II: 250/200 m Row

6-10 Burpees over the rower

=4 min rest=

1500/1300m row

100 Double unders

40 Lunges

1000/900m row

80 double unders

60 lunges

500/450 m row 

60 double under

80 lunges


Workout of the Day

EMOM I: 16 min

Min 1: 2-4 wall walks

Min 2: 6-12 double dumbbell push press

Min 3: 8-12 burpees

Min 4: 10-14 alternating dumbbell snatches

EMOM II: 16 min

1. 12-18 single dumbbell goblet squats

2. 3-5 bar muscle-ups 

3. 12 single arm dumbbell overhead lunges

4. 10-15 single dumbbell weighted sit-ups





Workout Team of 2

Buy in:

2000/1800 meter row 

2 rounds

20 synch 2 deadlift

120 weighted front rack walking lunges 

20 handstand push-ups

120 double unders